DOCKER Commands Cheat Sheet

Here is a cli commands cheat sheet for DOCKER command, you can use this as a quick reminder for basic commands with a brief description for each of the commands.

What is DOCKER command?

Manage Docker containers and images. Some subcommands such as `docker run` have their own usage documentation.
# To start the docker daemon:
docker -d

# To build a docker image:
docker build -t [image-tag-name] [path-of-Dockerfile]

# To start a container with an interactive shell:
docker run -ti [image-name] /bin/bash

# To run a docker container in the background:
docker run -d [image-name]

# To "shell" into a running container (docker-1.3+):
docker exec -ti [container-name] bash

# To inspect a running container:
docker inspect [container-name] (or [container-id])

# To get the process ID for a container:
docker inspect --format {{.State.Pid}} [container-name-or-id]

# To list (and pretty-print) the current mounted volumes for a container:
docker inspect --format='{{json .Volumes}}' [container-id] | python -mjson.tool

# To copy files/folders between a container and your host:
docker cp foo.txt mycontainer:/foo.txt

# To list currently running containers:
docker ps

# To list all containers:
docker ps -a

# To remove all stopped containers:
docker container prune

# To remove all stopped containers:
docker rm $(docker ps -qa)

# To list all images:
docker images

# To only see all images id:
docker image ls -q

# To remove all untagged images:
docker rmi $(docker images | grep "^[none]" | awk '{print $3}')

# To remove all volumes not used by at least one container:
docker volume prune

# To save image as tar archive:
docker save -o [archive-name].tar [image-name]

# To restore image from a saved tar archive:
docker load -i [archive-name].tar

# To remove an image:
docker image rm [image-name-or-id]

# To tag an image:
docker image tag [image-name]:[tag-name] [image-name]:[new-tag-name]

# To login into
docker login

# To push a docker image into dockerhub repository:
docker push [image-name]:[image-tag-name]

# List all networks daemon knows about:
docker network ls

# Create a specific network:
docker network create "[network_name]"

# Connect a specific container to a network:
docker network connect "[network_id|name]" "[container_id|name]"

# Disconnect a specific container from network:
docker network disconnect "[network_id|name]" "[container_id|name]"

# To see the logs of a background or stopped container:
docker logs [container-id]

# To publish a port of container on localhost:
docker run -p [localhost-port]:[container-port] [image-name]

# To create a docker volume:
docker volume create [volume-name]

# To see information of a docker volume:
docker volume inspect [volume-name]

# To use a volume in the container:
docker run -v [volume-name]:[folder-path-in-container] [image]

# To link current folder between host and container for development:
docker run [image-name] -v $(pwd):[folder-path-in-container] [image]

# To copy a file from the running container to host mechine:
docker cp [container-id]:[path/to/file] [host/copy/path]

# To copy a file from host mechine to the running container:
docker cp [host/copy/path] [container-id]:[path/to/file]

Check out the DOCKER command documentation .

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